About Us

We moved west from Brooklyn and find ourselves trending towards life removed from our understanding of traditional. We seek a more tangible connection with things beyond screens and, to varying degrees of success, are prioritizing time outside, together, and with others.

City life has been what we’ve known, is something we cherish, and may be a life we return to. But, for the coming years, we’ll be carving out life on 20 acres in Aguanga, CA. 

Join us as we give this life a try.  To share in the pursuit of something that feels fundamentally worthwhile is, in the end, what we want. If a single visitor spends time reflecting on what brings them happiness, we’ll be happy. Sincerely, come visit. If the current accommodations are outside your budget, please write us. We’ll look to make work whatever you’re able to offer.

John & Hannah

man and woman holding dogs


As the game for our attention becomes the singular focus of the biggest companies in history, it feels progressively more important to step away from the noise, if only for a moment, to reflect on who we are. Our dream is to build a space where that is possible.

This site will document our attempt at creating space. Join us as we navigate through zoning, planning, permitting, building and, best of all, dreaming. Each step of the way will involve the projection of a dream onto the reality we dance through — we’re going to do our best to meld the two.